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Buy Capture One Pro


Capture One Fujifilm is a new version of a professional RAW converter designed to work with Fuji RAF files only. It offers industry-leading RAW editing tools and allows you to get maximum out of your Fuji RAF files. Capture One Fujifilm has two running modes: Express and Pro. There is Capture One Pro, Capture One Express, Capture One, Fuji, Sony and so on. On top of that there are subscription options and perpetual licences. I get a lot of questions about some of these versions, and so, in this post I will attempt to break down the differences and offer advice on.

1Styles.pro Film Styles offers more than 200 film styles for Capture One to boost your workflow.
Each style provides a unique look of the film photography legends: Ilford Delta, Kodak Portra, Agfa Scala, Polaroid and many other popular films.

Now you can quickly and easily create a “film” picture in Capture One using all the powers of RAW without any special plugins.

1Styles.pro Film Styles isn’t just a film emulation; it’s a creativity tool that helps you find a quick and impressive solution for your processing.
It saves you hours of work in Capture One and delivers new ideas for color correction of your images. That’s why our styles are already approved by thousands of photographers worldwide.

1Styles.pro Styles are fully compatible with the new Capture One Pro 20, Capture One Pro 20 Sony and Fujifilm versions.

Portrait Styles is a set of 50 color styles developed specifically for portrait editing in Capture One.
This set provides you with 50 unique portrait looks which you can quickly and easily apply to your images.

All you need is to choose a style that fits your vision best.
Just scroll through a list of styles to immediately see adjustments on your image and apply the right style.

You can now finish the processing or add additional adjustments if you wish. It is that simple.

To deliver the best quality of processing, our styles use advance Capture One tools only. All the style adjustments are made by Curves, Color Editor, B&W and Color Balance (plus Film Grain for grain styles). Each style is based on complicated calculations and basic tools are not suitable here.

That’s why we’re not using Exposure, White Balance, HDR, Contrast, Clarity or any other tools in the styles. You can always add any additional adjustments to your image; our styles would not interrupt them.

Recently Phase One presented a fantastic Capture One Pro 11 – now we can use styles in layers and change their opacity.
We’ve updated Film Styles to be compatible with Capture One 11’s new features and released them as Layer Enhanced (LE) editions.
With Capture One Pro 11 you can apply all the color film styles to the layers and change their opacity!

If previously some Film Styles were too strong for your image, now you can manually setup the opacity and find the look that fits your image best.

For the B&W styles, we’ve developed additional versions with different opacities: 100%, 75%, 50% and 25%.

Capture One Pro 11 release brings new meaning to styles and significantly expands their functionality.
Click here to see what you can create now with our styles and Capture One Pro 11.

We offer two sets of film styles in our store: Original Film Styles Set and Extended Film Styles Set.
All the styles in both sets are unique; let’s see what is the difference between them and find the set which enhances your workflow best.

Download 12 Film Styles for Free

We offer 5 sample styles from Original Film Styles Set and 7 sample styles from Extended Film Styles Set to download for free.

Original Film Styles Set

Original Film Styles Set price – $49.95

Original Set delivers “classical” film emulation styles; it’s a great start for using Film Styles.
Inside the set, you’ll find classic film styles: Fuji Superia, Kodak Portra, Fuji Provia, Fuji Velvia, Kodak Ektachrome and many others.

The set contains 100 unique film styles and 168 B&W styles with different opacities.
Learn more about the Original Film Styles Set

Download 5 sample styles from Original Set for free:

  • PL PX-70
  • Kodak P3200 TMAX
  • Ilford XP 2 Super 400
  • Kodak Ektachrome Mid-1970
  • Fuji Provia 400X

Extended Film Styles Set

Extended Film Styles Set price – $69.95

Extended Set is the next step in creative work with color in Capture One for experienced photographers.
In Extended Set you will find a lot of entirely new film styles and artistic variations of styles for the most popular films.
Film Grain emulation styles is also an exclusive feature of the Extended Set.

Capture One Pro 10 Review

It isn’t an upgrade or replacement of our first set; it is a completely new set of styles created for advance users of Original Set.
The set contains 100 unique film styles, 120 B&W styles with different opacities and 25 film grain styles.

Here you’ll find a complete description of Extended Film Styles Set and the full list of styles included in the set.

Download 7 sample styles from Extended Set for free: Amazing 2 9 14 16.

  • Agfa Vista 800 v1
  • Kodak Royal Gold 400 v5 B T-balanced
  • Fuji Fortia SP v3
  • Fuji Neopan 1600 v5 (with grain)
  • PX 100 Silver Shade UV+
  • Film Grain – ISO 400 push
  • Film Grain – ISO 1600 push+

Save 20% with the Bundle Discount

Film Styles Set Bundle price – $95

Purchase Original and Extended sets as a bundle for only $95 instead of $119.90!
You will get 200 unique film styles and 25 film grain emulation styles.
All the color styles work with layers in Capture One Pro 11. Each B&W style has four versions with different opacities: 100%, 75%, 50% and 25%.

Purchasing Film Styles couldn’t be simpler.
Just click the “Buy Now” button, and follow the on-screen instructions to pay for your order, and you will instantly receive a link to download the styles.

Portrait Styles is a set of 50 color styles developed specifically for portrait editing in Capture One.
This set provides you with 50 unique portrait looks which you can quickly and easily apply to your images.

Film + Portrait Styles Bundle

Now you can buy a bundle of Film and Portrait Styles for $134.18 instead of $169.85 and save $35.67! Hemingway editor 3 0 3 download free.

Buy Capture One Pro

Previously we released two sets of film styles for Capture One: Original Film Styles Set and Extended Film Styles Set.
Film Styles offers more than 200 film styles for Capture One to boost your workflow.
Each style provides a unique look of the film photography legends: Ilford Delta, Kodak Portra, Agfa Scala, Polaroid, and many other popular films.
Film Styles are approved by thousands of photographers worldwide.

The Bundle includes 250+ styles from the sets:

  • Portrait Styles Set
  • Original Film Styles Set
  • Extended Film Styles Set

All the color styles work with layers in Capture One Pro 11. Each B&W style has four versions with different opacities: 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25%.

The purchase is subject to terms and conditions of the purchase agreement: Read the agreement.

Payment Notice
For technical reasons, we’re not accepting payments from PayPal Business accounts, yet.
Please, use a regular PayPal account to purchase styles.
You can also pay directly with your bank card, simply choose “Pay with a card” at the PayPal payment page. The payment will be securely processed via PayPal as well.

Photographer David Eaton Review

Most current mac software. “Is it worth the money ? I would defiantly say yes. The styles are strong, diverse, authentic and are a great starting point to bring that extra bit of life to your images.

Sometimes the hardest part of an editing workflow is deciding on the look and feel of your images. The new styles are great to skim through, allowing you to view a range of styles instantly. Even if you apply the styles and edit from there on they give you a great starting point sometimes one you would never have considered.

The Extended Set coupled with the Original Film Styles offer a massive library of editing possibilities.”

Faded + Blurred Review

“…The range of included styles is great – especially at the $49 price point… They very quickly give you a starting point for your pictures – they get you in the ball park of the particular look and feel you’re after, which you are then free to tweak and customize to really make them your own.”
Read the full review

Photographer Nicole Struppert Review

“Would I buy the Film Styles? Yes! There are still a few things missing but the price is fantastic and for Capture One users it’s a fantastic opportunity to save some time on the workflow.”
Read the full review

It turns out that some of Sony camera owners are not aware of unique versions of Capture One available to them.
Lately, I’ve been regularly getting questions from photographers who had just learned about Capture One and are interested in new opportunities for RAW processing.

There are not so much information about this on the internet and to fill up this gap I’ve created this short guide to all the features of Capture One for Sony.

Let’s start with basics.

Capture One is a professional RAW-converter which is well known for realistic and clear color “rendering”, outstanding processing tools and wide tethered shooting capabilities.

You can see Capture One in the backstage video of Annie Leibovitz shooting. Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer Brian Smith regularly writes about Capture One in his blog. Richard Thompson, Tim Kemple, Alexia Sinclair, Peter Eastway, Reuben Wu and tens of thousands of other leading professionals are using Capture One worldwide.
Recently I’ve posted an article with 10 reasons to switch to Capture One. Take a look at it to learn more about selective color editing, Curves and Levels capabilities, workspace customization and other Capture One features.

Portrait processing in Capture One Pro 9 for Sony. The photo was taken with a Sony A7R mkII and a SEL85F14GM lens.

Two years ago Phase One in partnership with Sony released two special versions of Capture One: Capture One Express for Sony and Capture One Pro for Sony.

These versions work with Sony RAW files only and provide an exclusive price offer.

Capture One Express for Sony– absolutely free software best suited for basic RAW editing and image catalogization. Some of the professional tools are not available in Express version, but in general, it’s the same Capture One.

Capture One Pro for Sony – professional software with all the features of the standard Capture One Pro. The only difference is the price tag, which is five times lower compared to regular Pro.

We’ll discuss all the differences between Express and Pro versions further on, but before that let’s find out how to install Capture One for Sony.

Xilisoft iphone magic platinum 5 7 28 cu ft. First of all, you need to download a regular Capture One from PhaseOne.com, because Sony versions are special modes of it.

At the first launch you have to choose your working mode:

Express version activates right in that menu – no additional license codes are required.
There is no need to prove that you are Sony camera owner as well, Sony-versions simply won’t work with RAW files from other cameras.

You can also choose Sony Pro version here and start a 30-days free trial. After it ends, you may purchase a Pro license or return to Express version.

Note that you can change activation mode at any moment via license preferences in Capture One.

When you finish with activation part, it’s time to take a closer look at the differences between Express and Pro.

Express for Sony is a simplified version of professional RAW-converter, but it has all the necessary tools for image processing:

  • Realistic and clear color “rendering” from RAW
    For many professionals, this is the primary cause for switching to Capture One and Express version is not inferior to Pro in this case.

Buy Capture One Pro 20

  • All the basic processing tools
    Express version has everything that you may need for basic editing: Exposure, Contrast, Saturation, White Balance, Clarity, basic Levels and Curve corrections. You can also work with selected colors, increase the sharpness of the image and reduce the noise as well.
  • Great catalogization features
    Besides powerful editing tools, Capture One also has great DAM (Digital Asset Management) capabilities. With Express version you can organize your images in a structured archive and mark your images with ratings, keywords, and color tags.
  • Processing in JPG/TIFF and other formats

But the most noteworthy feature is that Capture One Express delivers professional RAW-handling quality absolutely for free.

Nevertheless, some tools are not available in Express version, such as:

  • Red, Green, and Blue channels Levels corrections
  • Red, Green, Blue, and Luma channels Curves corrections
  • Color Editor Advanced and Skin Tone modes
  • Local Adjustments, Repair Layers
  • Color Balance
  • Film Grain
  • Keystone
  • Focus Tool and Focus Mask
  • Sessions
  • Advanced processing capabilities

These tools require advanced skills of image editing and are used mostly by professional photographers. For the same reason, you will find no tools for tethered shooting and workspace customization in Express version.
The full features comparison list for Express/Pro versions is available here.

Karaoketube 1 7 – karaoke app for mac. Making a long story short, Express version is great for building a solid photo archive, top-quality RAW converting with necessary editing and processing in a ready-to-go JPG/TIFF file.

It’s also worth to point out that Express version was a paid product before the partnership with Sony. If you’re not a commercial photographer and don’t spend nights processing images, Capture One Express would become an excellent free addition to your Sony camera.

But for more sophisticated processing you have to think about upgrading to Pro.

Pro version is designed for professional tasks: tethered shooting, complicated processing, and advanced color correction. It has layers for local adjustments, keystone corrections for interior photography, multiple recipes for batch processing and all other tools that are required for commercial work.
Capture One Pro will also suit semi-professionals perfectly to enhance creativity by delivering entirely new editing tools.

As I mentioned above, Pro for Sony has all the same tools as regular Capture One Pro does.
The difference is in price: $129 for Pro for Sony vs. $299 for standard Capture One Pro.
You can purchase the license at Phase One on-line store and activate it on two computers at the same time. It’s really useful if you use both the desktop machine and laptop.

1.Get $372 OFF Capture One Pro Sony 12 Perpetual license + 6 Style Packs bundle

Regular Price: $601
Price with Discount: $229
Offer Status: VALID

Capture One Pro 20

Get the Discount

2.Get $137 OFF Capture One Pro Sony 12 Perpetual license + 3 Style Packs bundle

Regular Price: $336
Price with Discount: $199
Offer Status: VALID

Get the Discount

Want to be notified as soon as Phase One runs the next sale? Subscribe to AlexOnRAW newsletter!

Each issue of the newsletter contains:

  • Latest news from Capture One community
  • Reading of the week
  • Capture One tip of the week
  • New Capture One Offers and Deals

It’s absolutely free, and I promise not to send emails more often than once a week!

When is the time to upgrade to Pro?
If you’re new to image processing, a word to wise – start with Express version.
Take some time to get used to the basic adjustments; for more advanced tools like individual color channel corrections with Curves or Levels these basic skills are strongly required anyway.

If you already have some experience with Lightroom or Aperture – it’s better to start with Pro version. With Express version you may feel a lack of familiar tools. On the contrary, Capture One Pro would bring you a joy of completely new possibilities that were unavailable before.

What would happen with my images if I would start working with Pro version and decide to return to Express after that?
Nothing. The images would be the same as they were in Pro with all the applied adjustments. But you wouldn’t be able to change any adjustments which are not available in Express version.

Does Capture One for Sony support TIFF/JPG file editing?
Yes, you can edit and organize TIFF/JPG files in both Express and Pro versions. But it’s not really reasonable since RAW files contain more information and Capture One tools are designed primarily to work with RAW.

If you’re new to Capture One, here are five things which I recommend you to do:

1) Download the Free Guide to Capture One

“Mastering Capture One” is a free guide to learn Capture One and a collection of more than 110 links to the best articles and videos to study each topic.
The first part – “Essential Training” will give you everything you need to begin working in Capture One without a mass of overwhelming information.

You can read it online or download it as PDF right here:

2) Subscribe to my Newsletter

Each issue of the newsletter contains:

  • Latest news from Capture One community
  • Reading of the week
  • Capture One tip of the week
  • A free RAW file for practice

It’s absolutely free, and I promise not to send emails more often than once a week!

3) Download 12 film styles for Capture One for free

In my work, I use 1Styles.pro Film Styles. There are more than 200 styles which you can quickly scroll through and immediately see which would fit your image best.

You can download five film styles for free right here:

You’ll find seven additional free styles at this link.
Simply try them with your images – it’s a completely new experience for RAW editing.

4) Subscribe to my YouTube channel

Each week I’m running Capture One Live Show where we’re discussing the latest Capture One news, and I’m showing my favorite tips for RAW editing.
And the best thing is that you can watch it live and ask questions!

Plus: you can upload your RAW files to see how I would edit them in one of the next episodes of the show.

5) Join our Facebook group or follow me on Twitter

Here I’m sharing the most interesting articles and videos about Capture One which I found recently.

Author – Alexander Svet

Alexander Svet – professional photographer and specialist in image processing.
Phase One Certified Professional and Capture One trainer.

Buy Capture One Pro
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